Category Archives: Child Custody

Family Law and COVID-19
Topics surrounding Family Law and COVID-19 (Coronavirus) DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | TIME SHARING | DIVORCE | MODIFICATIONS | CHILD SUPPORT | PATERNITY While many of us are trapped in our homes with our family, others are being kept from their children. Some are trapped in abusive or unfriendly relationships and still others are in danger of losing their drivers license… Read More »

Domestic Abuse in Child Custody Battle
Many factors can have an impact on the outcome of a child custody dispute between a mother and father going through divorce or separation. Everything from the child’s preference (if old enough-there is no “magic age”) and living conditions of each parent’s dwelling, to the physical and mental health of each parent is taken… Read More »

How a New Marriage Can Affect Child Custody Agreements
Divorce is a painful process, but most divorced singles will eventually move onto a new relationship. Introducing a new romantic interest into a household with children and shared custody with the other parent creates interesting dynamics that can have practical and legal implications. Certainly, child custody agreements are primarily between the parents, but their… Read More »

Basics of Child Custody
The process of divorcing from a spouse, regardless of how long the marriage lasted, can be considered a great unknown. Since most individuals go through this process only once in their lives, the process is a learning experience. Unfortunately, conventional wisdom, shaped not only by popular media but also by those who have gone… Read More »

International Travel and Child Custody Issues
Travel is an important part of many people’s lives, and exposing one’s children to different places and cultures is something parents often strive to provide. However, where and how long a parent might take a child when custody is shared is often an issue of contention. The longer the child is gone, the harder… Read More »

Is It Ever Okay to Violate a Parenting Plan?
Sharing child custody is a long-term commitment that will go through inevitable ups and downs. Working with a former spouse or partner over something as important as raising a child is not easy to do, and a point may come when having anything to do with this person becomes almost impossible. In some instances,… Read More »

When a Parent Takes Your Child Out of the Country
Sharing child custody will always present challenges, and as time passes and the circumstances of the lives of the parents and child change, what worked five years ago may no longer be relevant. Working together to find a compromise is the best way to avoid additional disputes and avoid disrupting the child’s life too… Read More »