Category Archives: DUI

Why You Should Avoid Taking A Field Sobriety Test
When an officer suspects you might be driving intoxicated and pulls you over they will likely ask you to take a field sobriety test. Defense attorneys have limited prosecutors to calling such “tests” exercises while in front of juries so as not to confuse juries as to the real value of the officers observations… Read More »

Ways to Make Your DUI Case Better
Driving under the influence (DUI) in the State of Florida is a serious crime. Did you get charged for a DUI for the first time? If that is the case, it is critical to comprehend that you have a lot at stake. Depending on what you choose to do, it can greatly affect the… Read More »

Should You Take the Field Sobriety Test?
Drivers often get pulled over because police officers suspect that they have been driving under the influence (DUI). However, this is not always the case. Usually in this case, the police officer already believes that the driver has consumed alcohol and will ask him or her to submit to a standard field sobriety test…. Read More »

Your Chances of Beating a DUI Case
In Florida, getting arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) can have grave consequences on your future. If found guilty, you could be forced to pay large fines, lose your license, and/or even serve time in jail. Furthermore, the adverse aftereffects of a DUI conviction may continue far beyond trial. After a… Read More »