Coping with Missed Visits and Other Co-Parenting Challenges

There are many benefits to co-parenting, and this arrangement has become more popular as a way to put the wellbeing of kids first after a divorce. Having parents who are effectively co-parenting can help kids thrive in all areas of their lives, but that is not to say that co-parenting doesn’t come with its own challenges. From missed visits to disagreements over parenting styles, there are times when divorced parents run into obstacles.
Experiencing a co-parenting issue is, unfortunately, common. If you are coping with a co-parenting conflict, know that there are professionals who can provide you with solutions, including utilizing legal measures such as mediation and attorney intervention to ensure the smooth execution of parenting plans and custody agreements. Talk to a Port St. Lucie family law attorney to learn more.
Missed Visits, Disagreements, and Broken Promises
Whether due to unforeseen circumstances or intentional actions, missed visits strain the relationship between co-parents. In some situations, missed visits can be resolved through open communication. When an open dialogue between parents is possible it allows both parents to understand each other’s perspectives and work towards a solution. That said, when problems persist, mediation could be useful, providing a neutral ground for both parties to discuss concerns and land on a compromise.
Differences in parenting styles can also lead to conflicts between co-parents. While each parent may have their own approach to parenting, finding common ground is essential. Often parents lean on a detailed parenting plan that outlines responsibilities, expectations, and decision-making processes, but if disagreements continue, another path to ensuring both parents adhere to the agreed-upon terms may need to be pursued.
And sometimes, co-parents find their situation has advanced beyond a missed visit or miscommunication. This is particularly true if one party has chosen to simply not adhere to the established parenting plan and custody agreement. In such cases, seeking legal counsel is advised. A family lawyer can take steps to enforce the existing agreement, ensuring that both parents fulfill their obligations. This may involve filing a motion for contempt or seeking a modification of the custody arrangement to better align with the current needs and circumstances.
Exploring the Possibility of a Modification
Co-parenting challenges can arise simply because life circumstances have changed and the agreed-upon plans can’t be followed as a result. For example, if one parent is relocating for a job, the child’s educational needs change, or there are concerns about the child’s safety, a modification should be considered.
Sharing the details of your co-parenting situation with a Port St. Lucie family law attorney is a proactive first step. Your issue may be able to be resolved through communication and negotiation. If not, mediation or legal intervention can be looked into as a path to addressing missed visits, enforcing parenting plans, or seeking modifications.
Has a co-parenting issue upset your life? With commitment and cooperation, the legal team at Baginski, Brandt & Brandt can guide you through co-parenting disputes. Legal experts will listen closely to your objectives and ensure your child’s best interests are protected. Reach out to schedule a no-cost, confidential consultation.